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Everything You Need to Know About Back-to-School

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The back-to-school season is important for students, parents, and educators alike. It’s a time of transition, preparation, and excitement for everyone involved. Well, students might not be as excited as parents.

Whether you’re a student eager to start a new academic year, a parent looking to support your child’s education, or an educator planning the curriculum, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to ensure a smooth and successful back-to-school experience.

Click on the link to jump to a back-to-school subject that you’re interested in. 

  1. Getting ready for the new school year
  2. Achieving academic preparedness
  3. Prioritizing health and wellness
  4. Navigating back-to-school shopping
  5. Fostering parent-teacher collaboration
  6. Leveraging technology in education
  7. Identifying the need for tutoring

Getting Ready for the New School Year

Preparing for the new school year involves more than just buying supplies; it’s about setting up for success. 

Start by organizing supplies. Before the first day of school, create a comprehensive checklist that includes essentials like notebooks, pens, pencils, binders, and backpacks. Some school boards even give parents a list of must-haves before school begins, so make sure to check with your school before heading off to the shops. 

Setting up a study space is just as important as buying school supplies. Designate a dedicated study area at home to help enhance your child’s focus and productivity. This space should be quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions, and it should be stocked with all necessary materials to facilitate effective learning. 

Additionally, establishing routines is crucial for managing time effectively. Consider implementing a consistent daily routine that includes regular bedtime and wake-up times. Try to designate periods for homework and ample time for relaxation and hobbies. Students can create an organized, efficient, and balanced approach to the new school year by focusing on these key areas.

Learn more about getting back to school ready here. 

Achieving Academic Preparedness

Before the new school year approaches, revisit the previous year’s material to refresh your child’s memory. Reviewing last year’s material can help establish a solid foundation for learning new concepts. Reviewing notes and textbooks can help reinforce what they’ve already learned, making it easier to connect with new topics. 

A key strategy for academic success is setting goals using the CAM system for the upcoming year. Whether you’re aiming to improve your grades, master a new subject, or develop better study habits, having clear objectives can motivate and guide your efforts throughout the year. Here is how to use the CAM system:

  • Clearly state goals while being as specific as possible.
  • Make it achievable by setting realistic targets for improvement.
  • Have measurable goals and set milestones to track progress and boost motivation.

Utilizing educational resources can greatly enhance anyone’s learning experience. Try exploring online courses and educational apps that can supplement your child’s studies. Remember the wealth of materials available through libraries and school resources, which can provide valuable support in your child’s educational journey. 

By reviewing past materials, setting clear goals, and leveraging available resources, you can help your child create a proactive and effective approach to the new school year.

Prioritizing Health and Wellness

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Importance of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for academic success and overall well-being. A good amount of sleep can significantly impact focus, memory, and mood. Establishing a bedtime routine that allows for 8-10 hours of sleep each night is essential. These hours ensure the body and mind are well-rested and ready for the day’s challenges. 

Try creating a calming pre-sleep routine, such as reading a book or listening to soft music, which can help signal to your child’s body that it’s time to wind down. Avoid screens and stimulating activities before bed, and try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day—yes, even on weekends—to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Nutrition Tips

A balanced diet helps to support cognitive function and energy levels, which are essential for maintaining focus and stamina throughout the school day. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins in your child’s diet to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal brain function. Eating a nutritious breakfast can kickstart their metabolism and improve concentration. Always try to avoid sugary snacks and beverages, as they can lead to energy crashes, and make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.

Mental Health Awareness

Stress and anxiety can impact academic performance and overall well-being, so it’s important to prioritize mental health. Practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, to help manage stress and cultivate a sense of calm and focus. Engaging in regular physical activity can also reduce stress and improve mood. 

If feelings of stress or anxiety become overwhelming, have your child seek support from counsellors, trusted adults, or mental health professionals. It’s so important to build a support network of friends, family, and mentors who can provide encouragement and perspective during challenging times. Remember that taking care of your and your child’s mental health is just as important as your physical health.

You can find more information on mental health and back-to-school here.

**Please note: if you or your child is struggling with mental health, please seek help from a trained professional.

Heading back to school means it’s time to gather all the essential supplies for a successful year. Make sure you have everything your child will need, including: 

  • Notebooks, binders, and folders
  • Pencils, pens, and highlighters
  • Sturdy backpack and lunchbox 

While back-to-school shopping can get expensive, there are ways to save money. Look for sales, use coupons, and consider buying in bulk. Reusing items from the previous year if they’re still in good condition can also help stretch your budget. 

Check out our school shopping list here.

Fostering Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Building a strong relationship with your child’s teachers is important for enhancing their educational experience. Attending parent-teacher meetings, volunteering at school events, and maintaining open lines of communication can foster a positive partnership. Effective communication addresses concerns and keeps everyone informed about your child’s progress. Try to use emails, phone calls, and school portals to help you stay connected with teachers. 

Additionally, participating in school activities, such as PTA meetings and school events, fosters a sense of community and support for students while providing opportunities to stay engaged with your child’s education.

Leveraging Technology in Education

back to school preparation

Useful Educational Apps

Support school learning with online educational resources and apps that can make learning interactive and engaging. Khan Academy offers courses in various subjects with video tutorials and exercises. Quizlet is great for creating flashcards and quizzes, helping students understand key facts. Duolingo provides a fun way to learn languages through interactive lessons. Evernote helps organize notes and study materials, while Google Classroom facilitates assignment submissions and teacher communication.

Managing Screen Time

While educational apps are beneficial, excessive screen time can affect health and academics. Set clear limits on recreational screen use and encourage regular breaks, such as the Pomodoro Technique, which alternates study with short breaks. Promote physical activity and establish tech-free zones at home. Model healthy habits by balancing screen time with offline activities like reading and games.

Cyber Safety Tips

Teaching students about cyber safety is essential. They should protect personal information and recognize cyberbullying, reporting it to a trusted adult. Emphasize responsible online behaviour, including using strong passwords and reviewing privacy settings regularly. Encourage downloading apps only from trusted sources to avoid malware.

Maximizing Learning with Tutoring 

back to school tips

Identifying the Need for Tutoring

Students sometimes need extra help grasping challenging concepts and identifying the need for tutoring can prevent academic struggles from escalating. Signs that a student might benefit from tutoring include consistently low grades, difficulty keeping up with class material, or a noticeable lack of confidence in their abilities. By addressing these issues early on, students can improve their understanding and maintain academic progress.

Here are seven ways that tutoring can help your child with back-to-school.

Finding the Right Tutor

Oxford Learning offers personalized programs tailored to each student’s unique needs and learning style, ensuring the material is accessible and engaging. Our tutors are highly qualified and trained to teach various subjects, making them well-equipped to help students improve their understanding and academic performance.

Oxford Learning’s teaching methods are grounded in research-based educational strategies that focus on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and study skills. This holistic approach helps students grasp challenging concepts and builds a strong foundation for future learning.

Making the Most of Tutoring Sessions

To maximize the benefits of tutoring, students should come prepared with specific questions or topics they find challenging. This focused approach helps make the most of each session, ensuring that time is spent addressing the student’s most pressing needs. After the session, students should regularly review and practice what they learned to reinforce understanding and retention. This consistent effort not only solidifies new knowledge but also builds the student’s confidence in the subject matter.

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