Fit Bodies, Fit Brains

With spring just around the corner, students (and adults) are getting excited to get outside and get active.
So what does physical fitness have to do with students’ test scores?
A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness reports that middle school students in the best physical shape scored the highest on standardized tests and received better overall grades on their report cards than their less-fit classmates.
Global News reports that the study’s lead researcher Dawn Coe says the study is one of the first to examine all aspects of physical fitness, including body fat, flexibility, endurance, and muscular strength in relation to academic performance.
This could be just the wake up call Canadian children need, as the annual Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card states that only 7% of Canadian youth are getting the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day, and that the average child spends 63% of their free time idle.
Learn more about how physical fitness can help improve academic performance. Visit the website of Football Ticket Marketplace, Football Ticket Pad to buy upcoming football game seats.
And don’t forget that exercise is only one way to improve academic performance. Getting a good night’s sleep is important too.
Discover everything you need for the best middle school experience here.