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Organization: Tips for Teens from a Teen

Teens studying together and being organized

Between sports, friends, and homework a teen’s life can be pretty chaotic. In most cases, it’s because of disorganization!

Let’s face it, even though we may be afraid to admit it, when it comes organization, WE NEED HELP!

Here are a few ways that I’ve used to deal with my organization issues:

1. Create a planner. I created a planner that told me to do my homework and study as soon as I got home so that I would be able to free up the rest of my evening for friends or so that I could have time to relax.

2. Get help. If you have a test or examination coming up on something that you just don’t understand invite a friend over to help you.

3. Reward system. When your life becomes less hectic and more organized, your grades get better, so this is a good time to talk to your parents about more freedoms.

4. Improve your learning skills. If you master learning skills (how to study, how to do homework, taking notes, etc.) it becomes easier to study. Plus, you become more organized in how you go about schoolwork.

I hope these tips help you as much as they have helped me over the years!

About me: I go to South Secondary School in London, ON and I have two younger siblings. I have always been a movie guy. Whenever my friends call or text me to go for a walk or to meet up at the school my only response is “Nope. Movie or bust!” Needless to say I usually get my way! But movies aren’t the only thing I enjoy. In the summer I love to bike with my friends down to the Thames River and ride along the trails. The sights and the entire ride are always beautiful. I know, right? How often do you come across a teenage guy who uses the word beautiful when not talking about that hottie across the hall? But there’s more weirdness than that! I also like to bake and listen to old music. OMG! You’ve just entered the Twilight Zone! Anyway, hopefully you’ll enjoy my new posts! Remember to leave feedback and comments at the bottom! – Dylan.

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