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Is Learning A Priority For Your Child During the Summer?

It’s that time of year where everyone is talking about summer learning. Now, don’t mistake summer learning for summer school – summer learning is so much more. It can involve educational day camps, taking a trip to the museum or aquarium, enrolling in a summer tutoring program, and more. These educational activities can tackle the problem of summer learning loss. On average, during the time that your child is away from school, he or she will lose about 2 months of reading and math skills, which means spending a significant amount of time relearning material in the fall.

Let us know what you think about summer learning by answering the questionnaire below.

In order to retain and gain new knowledge, it is essential that your child continues to read and learn throughout the summer. Team up with Oxford Learning for reading and tutoring programs that are designed to improve your child’s learning and comprehension skills all summer long. Contact Us Today!

Keep learning going all summer! Find practical tips and strategies in our comprehensive Summer Learning Guide.

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