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This Grade It’s Straight A’s!

Student showing man his straight a report card

Creating an Academic Action Plan Helps Families Start the New School Year Off On the Right Foot

With every new school year comes the opportunity to make academic changes and improve grades. It’s an opportunity to get rid of bad habits and pick up improved thinking, learning, and studying skills. It’s an opportunity to make this school the best school year ever!

But in order to seize hold of the opportunity that the new school year brings, parents and children need to have a plan for success in place; they need to set academic goals.

When setting goals for a new school year, follow the CAM rule: Goals should be

  • Clearly stated
  • Achievable
  • Measurable

For instance, if a student’s goal for this year is to get better grades in math, it is more realistic to aim to increase math scores by five points per test, and set a goal of doing an extra 15 minutes of math homework a night, than it is to set a goal of getting 95% on the first test.

By setting a clear goal of improving 5 points per test, there is a greater likelihood of success. A realistic goal is an achievable goal.

But starting the school year off on the right foot isn’t only about resolving to get better grades. At-home habits that support in-school learning are equally as important to overall school success. There are plenty ways for families to make at-home resolutions that lead to a better grades.

Use a family calendar. Manage school, family, and extracurricular activities with a daily reminder courtesy of a wall calendar.

Get informed. Be informed of important school dates (big projects, standardized tests) well in advance to avoid last-minute scrambles.

Handle homework. Develop a homework strategy. Set a schedule, stick to a timeframe, and take frequent breaks to keep stress levels low. If necessary, parents should work on something along their children.

Hone study skills. The best study skill is to start early. By being aware of test dates and projects, parents can ensure that their kids are not leaving work until the last minute, which leads to stress for everyone.

Stick to a routine. Set bedtimes and wake up times help establish good morning routines. Kids of all ages need adequate sleep as part of their overall school routine, and parents can help ensure that they are getting the rest that they need to stay sharp in class.

By developing an Academic Action Plan–whether it’s about improving grades or working on at-home habits–parents can help ensure that their kids are on the right path for better grades this school year. And, with support from the experts at Oxford Learning, making this year the year that straight A’s happen is a goal that’s within every family’s reach!

What’s your family’s Academic Action Plan for this year? Brainstorm your ideas and download this sheet to write out academic and at-home goals and track progress!

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